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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dinner! I might eat another big salad tonight if I get hungry because I have about 300 calories left in my day right now and I haven't done a workout yet.

Just a big salad with chickpeas for protein and some fruit. Really clean and simple but so good.

There were grapes in there earlier but I snacked on em. The Clementine hasn't been eaten yet.

Already at 10 cups of water today though!

~260 Calories in total
(~190 for the salad, ~70 for the cantaloupe.)

Monday, September 17, 2012

I froze all the left over oatmeal bake in individual servings because it was just too high-calorie to eat every day.

Today, I made a super delicious and simple smoothie to start my day. Just 2/3 C frozen strawberries, a banana, and 1/2 C unsweetened vanilla soy milk.

Well, and coffee, of course.

~220 Calories
Last night's dinner wasn't very low-calorie, but it was very nutritious.

I made a roasted sweet potato salad and served it alongside a mixed greens salad (same as I had for lunch) with garbanzo beans for protein.

These trays from Target are great to teach portion control, which is my main problem.

~649 Calories in total
(~359 for the sweet potato salad, ~290 for the mixed greens salad)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Today's lunch and snacks! I packed it last night while I was starving, so there's no way I'll eat all this.

Salad is mixed greens, a handful each of almonds and cranberries, 1/4 C each of garbanzo beans and raw mushrooms, topped with 1T Newman's Own Lite Italian Dressing.

Then I ate the apple and avocado pudding. Grapes, banana and Clementine will come home with me.

~485 Calories in total.
(~380 for the salad, 55 for the apple, ~50 for the avocado pudding)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today's lunch isn't all that healthy, but I wanted to use up some stuff in my kitchen.

Homemade vegan chicken salad (with Boca chicken patties) on a bed of mixed greens and one sliced gala apple with avocado pudding to dip.

The greens were intended to be eaten as a salad with Newman's Own Lite Italian dressing, but I'm full after the chicken salad and apple so I'm saving it for dinner.

~465 Calories in total.
(~360 for the chicken salad, ~50 for the avocado pudding, 55 for the apple)
Light breakfast. Veganized the oatmeal bake that's making its way around Pinterest, added a clementine on the side and of course, coffee.

~338 Calories in total
(~283 for the oatmeal bake, 50 for the clementine, 5 for the coffee.)